Dear Customer,
We are still operational and will remain so during the country’s lockdown. Our primary role is to look after the needs of essential work that needs to be done eg. broken water mains, leaking roof, gas leaks.
Our entire business is Cloud-based. This means that our office staff can all work at home now that the virus alert level is at Level 4, with no disruption to our operations.
Sign-in and sign-out procedures at your premises will have to change. We will discourage staff from using public keyboards and ‘sign-in’ documents. We will text messages or call to customers when staff arrive or depart from your premises. We are happy to consider adopting whatever non-contact processes you might have in place and we will be demanding strict adherence to the recommended human physical separation of 2 metres minimum.
In all cases, we will follow government hygiene guidelines. We will wipe-down all surfaces on the equipment we have been in contact with. We ask that you have appropriate measures in place to keep our people safe whilst they are on your sites.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, please feel free to contact me if you have any queries regarding our services.
Auckland Gas services team.